Umbraco vs Sitecore

October 27, 2021 3:00 PM

Progressive Web Applications

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Topic description

PWAs can save you time, money and improve app conversions. While they offer users similar experiences to a native app, there are some very distinct differences.

Firstly, because they require a one-time development, there’s no need to develop separate iOS and Android versions.

Secondly, users don’t need to download all the content before they use it, which speeds up accessing content. Also, because they’re accessed via a short URL, PWA’s can be easily shared and take up a very small amount of phone memory.

PWAs also benefit from SEO, as URL’s are indexed by Google. This means searching for a PWA is quicker and easier than searching and downloading a native app.

Technology stack
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PWAs offer a range of benefits for your business. Are they the future of web?

event Partner(S)
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Czimer Kristóf
Kristof Czimer
Software Development Team Lead

Kristof is a highly knowledgeable Software Development Expert with an impressive track record.
After an excellent academic career and two engineering degrees, he is leading a team of PWA enthusiasts.
He is an easy-going person with a great sense of humor who is willing to share his expertise with others. His likable personality, mentoring skills, and deep routed knowledge elevate his team to new levels and lead his international projects to ultimate success.
He is an entertaining lecturer and also the author of several educational videos on his Youtube channel.

Czimer Kristóf
Czimer Kristóf
Software Development Team Lead

Kristóf a BME-n végzett villamosmérnök, majd egészségügyi mérnök mesterszakon. Szoftverfejlesztőként és csapatvezetőként dolgozik az ALLWIN Informatikai Kft-nél, fő területe a progresszív és tradícionális webalkalmazások fejlesztése. Nyitott és érdeklődő ember, szívesen ismerkedik új technológiákkal.​ Szabadidejében videókat készít a Zero to Hero web programozás youtube csatornára.

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Umbraco vs Sitecore

October 27, 2021 3:00 PM

Oct 27, 2021

October 27, 2021

Progressive Web Applications


PWAs offer a range of benefits for your business. Are they the future of web?


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October 27, 2021
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Czimer Kristóf Portrait of presenter
Czimer Kristóf
Software Development Team Lead

Kristóf a BME-n végzett villamosmérnök, majd egészségügyi mérnök mesterszakon. Szoftverfejlesztőként és csapatvezetőként dolgozik az ALLWIN Informatikai Kft-nél, fő területe a progresszív és tradícionális webalkalmazások fejlesztése. Nyitott és érdeklődő ember, szívesen ismerkedik új technológiákkal.​ Szabadidejében videókat készít a Zero to Hero web programozás youtube csatornára.

Czimer Kristóf Portrait of presenter
Kristof Czimer
Software Development Team Lead

Kristof is a highly knowledgeable Software Development Expert with an impressive track record.
After an excellent academic career and two engineering degrees, he is leading a team of PWA enthusiasts.
He is an easy-going person with a great sense of humor who is willing to share his expertise with others. His likable personality, mentoring skills, and deep routed knowledge elevate his team to new levels and lead his international projects to ultimate success.
He is an entertaining lecturer and also the author of several educational videos on his Youtube channel.

Portrait of presenter
Topic description

PWAs can save you time, money and improve app conversions. While they offer users similar experiences to a native app, there are some very distinct differences.

Firstly, because they require a one-time development, there’s no need to develop separate iOS and Android versions.

Secondly, users don’t need to download all the content before they use it, which speeds up accessing content. Also, because they’re accessed via a short URL, PWA’s can be easily shared and take up a very small amount of phone memory.

PWAs also benefit from SEO, as URL’s are indexed by Google. This means searching for a PWA is quicker and easier than searching and downloading a native app.


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Inspiring projects are waiting for you.


October 27, 2021 3:00 PM

Progressive Web Applications

Portrait of presenter
Mi az a happy hour?

Our HappyHour events offer a dedicated introduction to our key partners. Our goal with this event series is to give you a deep insight into a company before a possible formal interview.

This time, the spotlight will be on McKinsey's managers, who will be there to answer any questions you may have about the company. During the first 10-15 minutes of the event, a development manager will introduce the current team, the technologies, and the project, after which interested parties can ask any questions they may have.


PWAs can save you time, money and improve app conversions. While they offer users similar experiences to a native app, there are some very distinct differences.

Firstly, because they require a one-time development, there’s no need to develop separate iOS and Android versions.

Secondly, users don’t need to download all the content before they use it, which speeds up accessing content. Also, because they’re accessed via a short URL, PWA’s can be easily shared and take up a very small amount of phone memory.

PWAs also benefit from SEO, as URL’s are indexed by Google. This means searching for a PWA is quicker and easier than searching and downloading a native app.

Czimer Kristóf Portrait of presenter
Czimer Kristóf
Software Development Team Lead

Kristóf a BME-n végzett villamosmérnök, majd egészségügyi mérnök mesterszakon. Szoftverfejlesztőként és csapatvezetőként dolgozik az ALLWIN Informatikai Kft-nél, fő területe a progresszív és tradícionális webalkalmazások fejlesztése. Nyitott és érdeklődő ember, szívesen ismerkedik új technológiákkal.​ Szabadidejében videókat készít a Zero to Hero web programozás youtube csatornára.

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Inspiring projects are waiting for you.


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