Automated creative management for agencies

Ecommerce Solution
Experience Portal
Digital Business Automation
Instant content generator

Instant content generator

In the first phase of the pandemic, we have learned that the information and facts are changing hour by hour. We must update and communicate everything immediately to the consumers to retain them. POMS’s automated content generator would be able to handle this challenge instantly.

Dynamic Creative Optimization

The Dynamic Creative Optimization solution provides the right creatives for the right consumers. Our DCO solution is fully compatible with any advertising management platform it needs to be integrated with. This solution supports the agency in real-time, with data-driven creative variations on the fly.

Dynamic Creative Optimization

Automated creative production

Mass content production using more than 100 size variations with an outcome of more than 10 million different creatives. Photo, video, html5, pdf, etc., will be delivered based on industry standards. The automated creative production process uses campaign-specific templates developed according to the corporate identity rules and based on the campaign's master creative.

Automated creative production

Automated feed management

Automating data management from different systems and platforms is necessary to run successful campaigns. Manage product or stock information: data compilation, cleansing, and articulation without human intervention. Algorithm-controlled hourly-based feeds for B2B and commercial partners. 

Automated feed management

Custom solutions

We bring even your wildest idea to life. Thanks to our award-winning and innovative solutions, we are the right partner for unique projects featuring personalized content. Let us know your marketing challenges, and our team will deliver them for you. 


Agencies choose the POMS platform and services because they can use it as their own branded solution. With POMS, your agency can provide its services faster, more efficiently, and for a broader audience using the automated features. The agency could qualify for more tenders and assignments utilizing the POMS platform while the client base and revenues should also receive a boost.

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